Cherry Blossoms II

Tokyo’s Spring Cherry Blossom Festival/Season is a very special time. The Sakura (Cherry Blossom) can be seen in many logo’s throughout Japan from hotel logos, Murakami artwork to man hole covers .. During this season when it’s in full bloom you get to see the beauty, power and the fragility of the Sakura. The shear abundance of the trees, the power in numbers is overwhelming.. You see them dang trees every where. I Googled cherry blossom season for Tokyo and it said the peak time was this weekend. Sooo sick…

The cherry blossom festival/season is a time where locals chill with close friends under a tree and picnic, drink beer and kick it till the lights turn out.. Millions upon millions of people head into Tokyo to sit under these Sakura trees and picnic, reminisce and have a good ol time.. Matthew of Visvim mentioned that this time of year is very a philosophical time. I can see why.

Pics from Nakameguro River. Over 800 Cherry Trees line both sides of the river..

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry BlossomsCherry BlossomsCherry BlossomsCherry BlossomsCherry BlossomsCherry BlossomsCherry BlossomsCherry Blossoms